Patient Support Group Forum

Patients often feel stressed, overwhelmed, and fearful about what the future holds for them when they are diagnosed with a parotid tumor.
The support from fellow patients who have been through this process is very helpful, and we encourage patients to join our forum to discuss their questions and concerns with other parotid patients.
Who Can Participate In The Forum?
At Parotid Patient Project, we believe that patients deserve a safe and private place to discuss their thoughts, concerns, and fears about this diagnosis and treatment. This forum is intended for patients, their supporters, and loved ones only.
No medical professionals will be allowed access to the patient forum unless that medical professional has also been diagnosed with a parotid gland disease.
While we are grateful for all of the dedicated medical professionals, who provide parotid patients with care, we do not believe that this forum is the appropriate place for medical professionals to interact with patients.
If you are a medical professional who would like to discuss ways to improve the care and outcomes for parotid patients, please click here to contact us.
What Is The Process For Signing Up For the Forum?
All users of the patient support group forum must register with the website and agree to the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Discrimination and Harassment Policy, and the Forum User Code of Conduct.
New users can request an invite to the forum by filling out the form on this page. You will receive an email invitation to your registered email address.
*If you do not receive a forum invitation within 48 hours, please check your spam or junk folder to ensure that the invitation email was not automatically sent to one of those folders.
Please contact us at if you do not receive an email invitation after submitting a request.
If you are already a forum member, click here to log in.