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What to Expect During a Post-Surgical Appointment

The surgeon will generally ask the patient questions about their current health condition, they will do a physical exam of the area, and may order and review imaging studies of the patient. The imaging studies will help the surgeon see things in the body that they can’t see or feel during a physical examination.

Prepare for the Appointment

It is recommended that patients obtain and read their operative report and final pathology reports before the post-surgical appointment.

It is important for patients to understand what happened during the surgery and to understand what the pathology means, so a proper post-surgical and follow up treatment plan can be discussed with the surgeon.

There are often confusing medical terms contained in those reports. If a patient does not understand what a term means, it is recommended that they ask their surgeon to explain it during the appointment.

Patients can also refer to our glossary of terms to assist them in understanding their medical reports.

It is often helpful if the patient writes down any questions that they have about these reports or the treatment plan so they can ask those questions during the appointment.

Patients with malignant tumors should make sure that they fully understand the rationale, timing, and need for any further surgery, radiation, or medical oncologic treatment.